Herbs for the Apocalypse Coloring Sheet Contest

Heylo is thrilled to announce a creative collaboration and coloring contest with Herbs for the Apocalypse in anticipation of their latest graphic novel, set to be released in June 2021.

Heylo is thrilled to announce a creative collaboration with Herbs for the Apocalypse in anticipation of their latest graphic novel, set to be released in June 2021. The Herbs Team has dedicated a coloring sheet inspired by the comic cover to accompany the Heylo chemovar Sour Patch Kids (SPK). Read on to learn more about the graphic novel the collaboration, and a timely promotional coloring contest (with prizes!) to coincide with the release. 

Our current era has created a massive shift in the world as we know it. We’ve been collectively challenged in a multitude of ways. Amongst all the changes afoot, we have a great opportunity to learn and grow. No matter the future that is waiting for us, we have fundamental tools to help us face what is to come. 

Nature has provided us with ample resources to help us heal and bring us closer to our higher collective evolution. We have had a long history with plant medicine. They came before us and then as soon as humans popped up on planet earth, botanicals began working on us. No matter how long our ancestors have used them, no matter how close or disconnected we may be from them, plants rule everything around us. They bless us with a complex mix of various compounds, each species and specimen is an unique imprint of Mother Nature’s almighty hand. 

Not only do botanicals provide natural medicine to soothe what ails us, they allow creativity to blossom in trying times. Just like the inevitable opening of calendula flowers towards the sun’s rays, even on a cloudy day. We can turn to mother nature no matter what. That comes with respect and reconnection back to her. Let’s work to live in alignment with our planet and give back to her like she provides for us each day. Yet no matter what we do, her gifts will far outweigh anything we can pay back in return.

But we can pay homage. And our creativity is a divine reflection of her own creation. Plants and art help us connect deeper within ourselves and also within the vast expanse of the universe around us. We must do all we can to protect and ensure the survival of our sacred earth. Especially since its bounty and gifts far surpass any debt that can be returned. We are an invaluable part of the inner and outer workings of the Universe, and the vision is to act like it. 

That’s the symbolism behind Herbs for the Apocalypse, a women crafted, botanically-infused indie graphic novel. 

Promotional graphic for the Herbs for the Apocalypse graphic novel.

About Herbs for the Apocalypse Graphic Novel (June 2021)

The main character of the story, Sofia Spinoza, is a dreamer rooted by her love of plant life. Her muses return the favor with whispers of the Earth’s wisdom. As she navigates the niggling faults of human existence while working at an apothecary during the apocalypse, she explores what it means to find peace of mind and acceptance. 

Having become disenfranchised with her illicit indoor cannabis grow job, Sofia secures employment at a local herb shop. She doesn’t tell her new colleagues about the strong line of communication she has directly to the plant's voices themselves, which only become louder. Between dealing with the shop's quirky clientele, and navigating uncertain global times, Sofia becomes a woman of the people that the city of Robleville never knew they would need.  

Herbs for the Apocalypse aims to be a source of empowerment to connect with our botanical allies and tune in to their healing wisdom. The story was once a novel, but has since shifted into a comic book format. Since the visual world has been laid before the reader, the viewer can witness the characters and the plants firsthand. And tidbits of herbal medicine wisdom appear throughout the tale. 

Throughout the story the plants chime in to give their perspective on how to survive the impending Armageddon. The style of the book is a throwback to "zines" from the early 90's. And no graphic novel called Herbs for the Apocalypse would be complete without its own musical soundtrack. The project is an ode to plant medicine and a quest for justice during a challenging time for the earth's inhabitants.

Fusing the throwback zine style with the modern era, the motto is “Digital is temporary, but print is forever”. Herbs for the Apocalypse will first emerge as a weekly digital release Sunday Comic (the ink will spill June 20th - just before the Summer Solstice). It’s a melding of the weekly column newspaper of the days of old and the funny pages. A chapter per week will arrive along with a corresponding soundtrack of the tunes that inspired the pages. And for you analog lovers, after the Sunday Comic has finished its run, there will be a print edition! The digital chapters will be available for one week, so those joining in on June 20th will get to start the story from the beginning. But all are welcome to sign up for the comic at any time. For those craving the archive, you will have to wait for the print edition. That’s right, some delayed gratification in an instant gratification society!

While some people feel that art “isn’t their thing” or they “don’t know about plants”- the fact is, there is an artist and plant enthusiast within us all. You can light a fire under that inspiration and color for connection! In honor of the alliance between Heylo and Herbs for the Apocalypse, we present you a coloring sheet for all to enjoy. Coloring isn’t just for kids. It provides an opportunity to press pause and get lost in the experience. Just like taking off your shoes and feeling the earth beneath you, creating art gives you the opportunity to connect within yourself and outside to the greater unfoldings of the planet. 

This coloring sheet is the creation of Rokaya Taqi, an illustrator and animator who is strongly inspired by horror and sci-fi. She began working on the Herbs for the Apocalypse graphic novel a year ago, and has since been honing the craft of botanical and psychedelic art influences. You can download and print the below sheets for fun and color them at your leisure. Or if you’d like, you can take part in the Heylo/Herbs for the Apocalypse Coloring Contest! The “rules” are simple:

Join Our Coloring Contest

Winner to be announced June 13, 2021

  1. Follow Heylo and Herbs for the Apocalypse on Instagram
  2. Upload your coloring sheet as an Instagram post with #HerbsApocHeylo (or email your submission to info@heylocannabis.com) DUE June 6 at 5:00pm PT.
  3. Contest winners will be announced on June 13 (the ink spills on the comic a week after). 
  4. Winner will receive a free subscription to the Herbs for the Apocalypse Sunday Comic and a Heylo swag package (delivered via mail, US and Canada only).

For more information about Herbs for the Apocalypse, visit their website and scope their crowdfunding campaign. If you dig coloring sheets, check out the Heylo collection here

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